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Faculty of Islamic Studies

The Faculty of Islamic Studies is a prestigious institution dedicated to providing students with a comprehensive understanding of Islam and its diverse dimensions. Nestled within its walls are passionate educators who are committed to nurturing the intellectual and spiritual growth of their students. Through a rigorous curriculum, students delve into the rich tapestry of Islamic theology, jurisprudence, history, and ethics. They explore the sacred texts of Islam, critically analyze historical events, and engage in thought-provoking discussions on contemporary issues affecting Muslim societies. With a strong emphasis on interfaith dialogue and promoting mutual respect, the faculty strives to develop well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to contribute positively to their communities. The Faculty of Islamic Studies serves as a beacon of enlightenment, fostering an environment where academic excellence and spiritual growth go hand in hand, shaping the leaders of tomorrow who will navigate the complexities of our globalized world with wisdom and compassion.


  • Understanding the Quran and Hadith: Islamic studies aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Quran, the central religious text of Islam, and the Hadith, which are the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. This involves studying their linguistic, historical, and theological aspects, as well as interpreting their teachings and principles.
  • Exploring Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence: Islamic studies delve into the fundamental beliefs, concepts, and principles of Islam, including the understanding of God (Allah), prophethood, angels, predestination, and the afterlife. It also involves studying Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) and understanding the principles and methodologies for deriving legal rulings from Islamic sources.
  • Examining the Life and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad: Islamic studies focus on the life, character, and teachings of Prophet Muhammad as a role model for Muslims. This includes studying his biography, his interactions with his companions and opponents, and his teachings on various aspects of personal, social, and moral conduct.
  • Analyzing Islamic History and Civilization: Islamic studies explore the historical development of Islam and its impact on societies and civilizations. It involves studying the rise and spread of Islam, the establishment of Islamic empires and caliphates, the contributions of Muslim scholars and scientists, and the interaction between Islamic and non-Islamic cultures throughout history.

Faculty Members

Hafiz Taj Din

Assistant Professor

M.Phil Islamic Studies

Abdul Rauf

Assistant Professor

M.Phil Islamic Studies
